Yay or nay to the All-Star Game jerseys?

The NHL unveiled the look of this year’s jerseys for the NHL All-Star Game in Toronto, which they collaborated with Justin Bieber’s streetwear line for, and it’s safe to say that a lot of the hockey world weren’t fans of them. Tyler Yaremchuk and Colby Cohen gave their opinions on whether the jerseys were fair or foul on Daily Faceoff Live.
Colby Cohen: Foul, and I don’t even have to think for five seconds. I thought this was a joke when it got leaked when it went up on the Adidas website before anybody else announced it. I said they have to be screwing with everybody.
These are terrible, terrible All-Star jerseys, and you know what? It’s probably going to be a terrible game as well, so you get terrible jerseys with a terrible game. Perfect marriage. Foul, foul, foul.
Tyler Yaremchuk: See, I don’t hate them. I’m more of a guy that likes simple designs, so the ones that are just the yellow, white, and black, those ones aren’t as atrocious. But once you start getting the blue and the red in there, it’s a little bit much for me. I think the chat’s kind of agreeing with us too.
Today on the DFO Rundown, we talked about how great it would have been if in Toronto for the All-Star Game, they did a throwback and everyone was wearing the old Clarence Campbell black and orange jerseys?
Colby Cohen: Unbelievable. They did this Miami Vice theme last year, right, and I thought it was cool because it was indigenous to Florida. Nothing about that jersey says Toronto to me. Honestly, it looks like someone took crayons and scribbled some stuff on the papers. Look, I’m a fan of Justin Bieber’s music, but I am not a fan of the way that guy dresses himself, and supposedly he had his hand in this. So sorry Biebs, I’m not rolling with you here, pal.
You can watch the full episode here…