The new Daily Faceoff is coming and we’ll need your feedback

The new Daily Faceoff is coming and we’ll need your feedback
Credit: Sergei Belski-USA TODAY Sports

After months of work behind the scenes and countless hours of mockups and beta testing, Daily will be relaunching Jan. 4. The site is finally ready for a much-needed facelift to update the user experience on the site, the technology that powers it, and how content is displayed, and now we’ll be looking for your feedback to help us take the upgrades even further. Since this community has grown beyond the wildest expectations when The Nation Network acquired the site back in 2013, that means we have a duty to ensure the experience you have on the site is what you’ve come to expect. And with a streamlined layout and improved technology to make things faster than ever, we’re asking for any ideas or thoughts on how we can make it even better.

So what will be changing exactly? The first thing you’ll see is an improved layout that will be much easier to read and sort as you navigate our wealth of content. Whether you’re looking for the latest rumors from Frank Seravalli, Line Combinations, the Starting Goalies, or the latest news from around the NHL, the focus for the new Daily Faceoff is the ease of use for the reader. Powered by a much faster website that will greatly improve load times, navigating the website on both mobile and desktop has never been easier or quicker. Simply put, there was plenty of room for improvement around the site, and while we’ve tried to address as many of those areas as possible, that doesn’t mean we’re finished here either.

Over the years, this website has been updated and altered a handful of times, and even though we spend a lot of time behind the scenes making sure we’ve dotted the “I”s and crossed the “T”s, the reality of an endeavor like this is that it’s impossible to think of everything that could get messed up internally. Despite a laundry list of volunteers beta testing for us, we know that issues will still arise. Without actually having users come to the website to play around and check things out, it’s a certainty that there are going to be some bugs that will need to be fixed. In the end, we want to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible now that you’re seeing this newly updated version of the Daily Faceoff. The task for us upon pressing go will be figuring out how we can make the website better, and that’s where you come in.

Whether you’re a daily reader of the website or stumbling upon this article by accident, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback regarding the relaunch once it goes live and what we can do to make it better. If there’s something you see (or don’t see) that has been missed or should have been included, please drop us a comment or an email to so that we can make it happen. Is there a feature we used to have that’s gone and you miss it? Let us know. Are there formatting issues that got missed when the content was ported over to the new layout? Hit us up. Is the size of the font too small on your phone and you can no longer read the posts clearly? Please advise.

The ultimate goal here is to make the new as user-friendly and easy to navigate as possible, and now that we’ve launched the new design, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

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