With Deryk Engelland back from suspension, the Pens can send Picard back down to the minors.

With Deryk Engelland back from suspension, the Pens can send Picard back down to the minors.
Picard will be insurance should Zbynek Michalek not be able to play tonight.
Picard had one assist over 11 games. He has no fantasy hockey value.
Picard coming back to the big team is an indication the team needs a depth defender. Currently Kris Letang, Deryk Engelland and Zybnek Michalek are all questionable with various injuries.
Picard played well in his game against the Rangers but is sent down so the Pens can take a look at their top prospect. He holds no fantasy hockey value.
Sounds like Kris Letang will not play tonight and one of Bortuzzo and Picard draws in.
Picard goes back to the AHL with the Pens getting Michalek back into the lineup. He loses whatever remote fantasy hockey he could have by going to the minors.
Should not be a fantast option.
No fantasy hockey value while in the AHL.
No immediate fantasy hockey value while on waivers.
Picard will work hard to make the team but acknowledges it will be an uphill battle. In 43 games with Monteal last season, the 26-year-old scored three goals and five assists.